Klara & Matthew

September 28, 2024 • Baltimore, MD, USA

Klara & Matthew

September 28, 2024 • Baltimore, MD, USA

Wedding Party

Bride's Side

Kyra Ng
Kyra Ng - Matron of Honor
"My favorite memory with Klara isn’t one particular thing. It’s all the little moments we’ve shared over the past 10+ years that made me feel like she is a safe place and the sister I never had. The happy hours, the true crime watching, the car rides to do mundane tasks, the dinners, the shopping, the family hangs, the friend trips. Each moment with Klara reminds me of the beauty in finding a friend who allows you to be fully yourself without judgement. Those moments are my favorite."
Jana Knezevic
Jana Knezevic - Maid of Honor
"My favorite memory is growing up with her"
Megan Perepiczka
Megan Perepiczka - Bridesmaid
"Is it possible to choose just one? I’d say all of the times we’ve sat at a vineyard enjoying a glass (or two) of wine!"
Patrick Wolff
Patrick Wolff - Bridesman
"Oh gosh too many to name! So many shenanigans in high school (chili dip + pizza nights, QO Theatre), college (we were snail mail pen pals while she was in London the first time, and then we got to have tons of adventures together the second time-weekly theatre trips, traveling to Sheffield), and beyond! My absolute favorite memory is Klara traveling to SF with me for my dental school interview. We got to explore the city together, eat great Thai food, and that set into course so much of my life since! Klara is a forever friend!"
Kristina Mack
Kristina Mack - Bridesmaid
"In our 17 years (!!!!) of friendship, there have been way too many to name, but one that I consistently love is blasting Dinosaur and driving around in Joansie. But more than the carefree drives, the time we spent together laughing until we cried, crying until we started laughing, and growing up into adults together (which I would argue we're still doing :) ) are some of the fondest and best memories
Katherine Eden
Katherine Eden - Bridesmaid
"My favorite memory with Klara is this night we had a sleepover at her parents' house, back in high school. Her parents weren't home (we behaved, I swear!) and we went in their hot tub, Klara made us homemade pizzas to eat, and then ate brownie/ice cream sundaes out of pints, smothered in Magic Shell. Klara and I share 15+ years of memories together, most far more significant than this, so I can't tell you why this stands out, but it is easily my favorite memory "
Candy Lee
Candy Lee - Bridesmaid
"Becoming your business partner"
Samantha Harrington
Samantha Harrington - Bridesmaid
"One of my favorite memory with Klara was when Julia and I ran into her and Matt in Federal Hill. Even though it was their date night, Klara was so excited to see us that she invited us to crash their date. This moment may seem small, but it is special to me because it showed me that no matter how busy she is, Klara will always make time for the people she loves."
Julia D'Albora
Julia D'Albora - Bridesmaid
"My favorite memory with Klara was definitely when I first moved to Fed Hill. Klara, Matthew, and I went out to their favorite bar “The Wurst.” Klara and I chatted for hours laughing, sipping on delicious cocktails and completely forgetting Matthew was even there. That’s the night Klara and I really “clicked” and after that I just knew she would fit perfectly into our family!! I’m so lucky to have Klara in my life not just as a new cousin, but as a lifelong friend"

Groom's Side

Gil D'Albora
Gil D'Albora - Best Man
"Favorite memory was renting a small camper van from Las Vegas and driving to the Grand Canyon. We slept on the side of the road, grilled out, explored the local towns and went on hikes throughout Arizona! "
Tommy Yoviene
Tommy Yoviene - Best Man
"My memory is when I tried to cut Matt's leg off with ice skates "
Andy D'Albora
Andy D'Albora - Groomsman
"My favorite memory is living together for over a year and ordering Thai food and connecting two TVs to play each other in PlayStation games. "
Jacob Harrington
Jacob Harrington - Groomsman
"Too many good memories but here is a good one. When Matthew and his friends wanted to recreate Jackass and I was filming them. Best stunt was filling the leaf blower with pennies and shooting it at Tommy."
Matt Reb
Matt Reb - Groomsman
"Favorite moment: 3rd - 12th grade "
Marjorie Carney
Marjorie Carney - Groomsmaid
"My favorite memory of Matthew Harrington is from senior year of high school. Somehow I convinced him to take AP Literature with me (a mistake of epic proportions). For one assignment, we had two months to read a book and prepare 100 notecards to be used later for our research papers. The day before the due date arrived…and neither of us had completed a single notecard. So that evening we hopped on the phone to face the music together. We lost all motivation about 40 notecards in, but Matt had an idea to keep us going. He promised that the first night of Senior Week, when all the stress was finally over, we would find each other and take a shot in memory of The Worst Night of All Time. We stayed on the phone for over 7 hours. Every so often we’d break the silence and get excited all over again for the moment we would toast our shared suffering. In true Matt fashion - he finished his notecards around 3 AM, but stayed up an extra 30 minutes while I finished mine. To know Matt is to love him. He is simply the most fun, thoughtful, generous person there is. And thankfully he met his match in Klara, who is just as wonderful (and hopefully less of a procrastinator). So Cheers to the worst night ever, and more importantly to the upcoming best night ever!!! I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate the future Mr. and Mrs. Harrington 😊"
Peter Paul
Peter Paul - Groomsman
"Here’s a list not just one memory: Weekends in the Harrington basement with the fellas. Stealing Mrs. Harrington’s wine and Jacob finding the bottles in the backyard. The summer at Homestead Manor and Matt watching me doing all the work. Summers at the beach and on the water. Hungover morning drives back to Queenstown from Easton. Sneaking onto Prospect Bay golf course and playing the back nine. But my personal favorite is Matt and Klara's amazing weekend visiting in San Diego."
Brendan Doyle
Brendan Doyle - Groomsman
"No chance my favorite memory with Matt is going on this website”

Dog of Honor

Tucker - Goodest Boy